How I Grow My Career in Multinational Companies after Being Part of The Your Big Year

Cristo Reino Sonbay
6 min readJan 18, 2024


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I never imagined that joining the Your Big Year team has been such a huge transforming experience for my professional journey. I accidentally found this community out in a WhatsApp group sharing Global Citizens Challenge (GCC). After reading the program overview, it really interested me.

As I thought:

It could be the chance to improve my English!

It could be the chance to experience new things!

It could be the chance to gain international exposure and make new friends from other countries.

Those statements above kept repeating in my head over and over which boosted enthusiasm.

Well, after doing some research, I then made a brilliant move to go apply for the program.

Another thing was that I found the organization has a great vision to see the young people reaching their full potential to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges. I looooooove it so much and did expect to be accepted as one of them.

Then, look!

It is true. I got an email saying I was accepted to join the Global Citizens Challenge program. Yeyyy! I was accepted as one of them and that made me felt A little bit of surprise.

The GCC program was a 4-day straits virtual collaboration with professionals and other youths around the world to inspire one another.

There are many activities I participated in during those 4 days. Penpal sessions, leadership sessions, and the Miro board travel challenge as a way of exchanging our cultures and to maximize the networking opportunity among all the participants.

And I can say that language should not be a barrier here as you can also share some basic language of your country such as how are you, what is your name, and etc.

The journey did not end there. Now I am going to share how the Your Big Year has already been part of my personal and professional growth so far.

#1. Make an Impact Course

After joining the Global Citizens Challenge program, we were invited to take the course designed by the Your Big Year team called “Make an Impact Course”. There were 5 tracks in the course which I learned about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Networking, Opportunities, Informational Interview, and Make an Impact.

Through the SDGs track, I realized that everyone can make an impact. It doesn’t matter big or small. In our lives we can pick at least one field to make impacts on it.

This intriguing topic has amplified myself to focus on the SDGs #3 Quality Education and #6 Clean Water Access and Sanitation. You can contribute to quality education by sharing your knowledge on social media, becoming a teacher, or even joining a big movement.

Additionally, I have been involved in teaching activities on campus and at an English community and then the day I learned this topic made me really sure about the topic I was focusing on in my thesis study, groundwater utilization.

There are also many practical insights in the course which I have applied in my professional journey such as maximizing my LinkedIn, sharpening my communication skills as I learned Elevator Pitch, and expanding my network.

#2. Internship

Another opportunity just came in as I was about to finish my Make an Impact Course journey. I had an offer from the team to join an internship program.

Wow, I just can’t believe it. This was my very first time starting my career in an international organization.

I was then assigned to become a Community Management which my main responsibility was to develop the programs of the organization. It took me 3 months to equip myself with skills and experiences working in a remote setting.

I was amazed by how the remote working system applied to the internship program. What’s more challenging for me was the time zones differences among the people but then I was able to be more adaptive to it.

This was also my first time making $ dollars just from the comfort of my home and I learned a lot about this which is now very helpful in my career.

#3. Projects and Networking

My internship is done. But what now?

Guys, I have to tell you that the Your Big Year and International Connector are really serious when it comes to developing your professional growth. Your Big Year is a non profit organization under a well-known market research company, International Connector based in the US.

They usually run projects with Google, Microsoft, and other companies. If you are qualified, they would invite you to join in the projects. I see this is not only a mere project but also a great opportunity to grow my network with other professionals. There were some projects I have joined from Microsoft and Land Lease.

Who here isn’t happy when virtually involved in the discussions with people representing Microsoft?

I learned so much from the people I met during the projects. I have to admit that they are so smart and humble, guys. And again, at the end of the projects, you will get stipends.

#4. Becoming Your Big Year Leaders

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Continuously participating in the previous programs has brought me into becoming part of the Your Big Leaders. It was a group of youths who will be involved in upcoming virtual and offline programs.

If you are an influential speaker and have potential to become a leader, this is for you. I found my ideas being heard in this space. I can give my valuable inputs throughout the projects I participate in.

We ran the Global Citizens Challenge program for a new batch, invited to join a Corporate Think Tank with companies across America, and some additional projects.

#5. Boost My CV

Let’s flashback a moment from the beginning of the story. Joining Global Citizens Challenge has landed an internship for me, and then went to a project. Then another project comes again after another. Those are such great experiences to showcase them on my CV during my job hunting journey.

Those really helped me succeed at my job application even before graduating from university.

One of them was securing my freelance job as an Apple Merchandising Auditor where I had the chance to visit iBox in my city to conduct an audit on the products. It was the most highlighted journey in my career and this is how Your Big Year has set its own standard.

Until now, I am still confident enough to apply for remote jobs from other countries that hire people from anywhere in the world.

The Your Big Year always dreams to see more young people like you to grow their potentials and it is true as it has shaped my personal and professional journey.

If you are now looking for international exposures as well as growing your professional journey, look nowhere. You can be part of the Global Citizens Challenge in the next cohort. There are some cohorts you can choose yourself to join which are February, May, and November cohorts.

Find the LINK to the application form below and submit your application based on which cohort you are interested in.

If you still need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me on my LinkedIn Cristo Reino Sonbay.

Join the Your Big Year and make this year Your Big Year

Thank you for reading!



Cristo Reino Sonbay

I share what I have learned from my experiences, from reading, from attending workshops